Monday, June 21, 2010

a tiny company

this was sitting on the windowsill on my kitchen for a long time. probably about 3 or 4 years, since my sister gave it to me.

this little plastic doll came with snack that my sister bought at a store; obviously it was popular then to buy such snacks to collect these mini dolls, and my sister was into it. i remember that she told me that she had been collecting different ones of this series, but this doll is the 2nd of the same design (obviously they dolls have different outfit or hair or something). that was the reason why she wanted to give this to me.

it's such a silly thing, but i thought it would be funny thing to have in the kitchen, and traveled it with me back to the states.

this is about 2 or 3 inches tall with big eyes. though she doesn't look exactly like my friend, courtney, i am sure many of my friends who know courtney would agree; yes, it's her.

so this is in mail to meet and join courtney.

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