Wednesday, September 16, 2009

spider table

my friend gave this to me, when i moved to the duplex in fort worth, getting a job. i didn't have very much furniture, and she was nice to give me this little side table that she didn't need.

since i got it, i always wanted to change the color, but never did anything to it. i liked the legs, since it is so in wierd balance, and the legs give this table a look of a baby spider with malnutrition (maybe not to you, but to me...), or a look of a dead spider with legs curled up.

i haven't used it for a long long time, since i moved out from the duplex in fort worth, so it's time to let it go. i hope my friend, who is moving to marfa, will take it; it might go to thrift store if she doesn't.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

imageries, dismissed

i made a lot of things when i was in school. most of completed "things" of those days had left me, finding home. this set of drawings didn't leave me. it felt right then, since i was very attached to these imageries.

i was talking with one of my friends last june, who was moving to new apartment from the place he lived for almost 10 yrs, and i thought of these drawings that day while we talked. we were specifically talking about the timing of throwing away old art projects and things.

although it's such a cliche, what we were talking that day hit me as a way to move on, emotinally. and that was actually the idea of starting this project of removing "things" from myself. letting things go, and makeing myself lighter.

so these guys will go to trash today.
i will be a bit lighter tomorrow.