Saturday, June 26, 2010

a cup of break

this coffee filter is made with cotton, and reusable for (i guess) forever.

it's such a beautiful coffee filter. it's from japanese company, and all the text on the back (how to use, how to wash, & how to make the best-tasting drip coffee) are in japanese. so i decided to send this to my dear sister in tokyo, who is super busy for work too much.

a japanese man who i happened to meet in fort worth 3 years ago gave me this coffee filter; his father was a famous coffee business entrepreneur in japan, and this coffee filter was one of his best selling item of the company.

making a great cup of coffee actually requires so much attention. my sister taught me how when i was in college.


water should be "boiling" hot, pour some hot water through the paper filter before you put grounded coffee beans in the filter, you should keep the stream of hot water really skinny when you pour water into the coffee filter, keep the kettle high above the coffee filter, watch the thickness of the form the water stream makes in the coffee filter, etc, etc....

it's almost like science experiment.

although i cannot make a coffee for her since we are so apart in distance, i know she truly deserves the best coffee break.

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